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Acupuncture helps realign the body to heal itself. By using very thin needles, we are able to remove  blocked energy in the body

A person receiving acupuncture


Cupping, or also known as fire cupping, helps move stagnation in the body. It is similar to deep tissue massage, but goes deeper by releasing the fascial layers in between the muscles

A person receiving cupping on their back


Guasha is a technique used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to remove stagnation and break up adhesions in the body

A person using a guasha stone on their face for massage


Reiki energy works with the body to remove stagnation and help the energy flow correctly in the body. It is a very gentle but powerful therapy that helps with relaxing the body, relieving pain, and calming the mind.

Reiki can be done in person or virtually.

A person receiving reiki, also known as energy work


1000 N 9th St #42

Grand Junction, CO 81501

Hours of Operation:

Monday 8am-12pm

Tuesday 2pm-6pm

Wednesday 2pm-6pm

Thursday 8am-12pm

Friday 8am-12pm

Saturday 10am-3pm



Contact us with any questions at

(970) 210-3581

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